Born in Australia as the daughter of multicultural immigrant parents and becoming a corporate executive woman, I faced my fair share of challenges in the male-dominated industries I worked in at the time like Finance and Information Technology. From navigating cultural differences to breaking through the proverbial glass ceiling, the journey was not always easy. However in the final stages of my career, adopting the High Performance Habits of Brendon Burchard helped me overcome these challenges and achieve my goals and ultimately culminated in me becoming a certified high performance coach.

The first habit that helped me tremendously (and still does) is Clarity. As someone who grew up with multiple cultures, it can be challenging to navigate different expectations and values. However, by gaining clarity on my own values and priorities, I can stay true to myself while still respecting and understanding others. For example, I once led a team that valued hierarchy and formal titles, while I come from a social culture that values egalitarianism and informal communication. By gaining clarity on my own values and the team’s values, I was able to find a middle ground that worked for everyone and build strong relationships within my team.

One of the most critical habits for me has been Energy. As someone who often balances multiple roles and responsibilities (like most women!), it’s essential to maintain my physical and mental health to be productive and achieve my goals. I’ve found that taking care of my energy level is crucial to achieving high performance in both my personal and professional life. One way I do this is by prioritizing regular exercise (like 10,000 steps a day 😜) which helps me manage stress and stay energized. I also try to make sure I get enough restful sleep and take regular breaks which helps me maintain my focus and attention throughout the day.

The habit of Courage has also been crucial for me. As a multicultural woman in a male-dominated industry, there have been times when I have felt like an outsider or imposter. However, by embracing the habit of courage, I was able to overcome these feelings and take bold action. For example, I once proposed a new initiative to engage vendors, customers and our team in an expo of the benefits of futuristic technology that was initially met with scepticism and resistance. However, by staying true to my values and beliefs, and communicating my vision with clarity and conviction, I was able to win over my colleagues and ultimately implement the initiative successfully.

Another habit that has been essential for me is Productivity. As a corporate executive woman, there were always competing demands on my time and attention. From managing a team to attending customer events to staying up to date on industry trends, it can be challenging to stay focused on what matters most. However, by adopting the habit of increasing productivity, I was able to prioritize how to best intentionally utilise my time and energy to make steady progress towards my goals. This helped me establish myself as a well-rounded leader and build momentum for future success and ultimately work less hours!

The habit of Influence has also been vital for me. As someone who comes from a familial culture that thrives on indirect communication and a social culture that values informal communication, it can be challenging to build strong relationships and communicate effectively in a more direct and assertive environment. However, by adopting the habit of influence, I have been able to develop my communication skills and build strong relationships with colleagues and stakeholders. By listening actively, communicating clearly, and building rapport with others, particularly by acknowledging different perspectives I was able to gain support for my ideas and initiatives and build a network of support who became great advocates.

Finally, the focus on Growth has been essential for me as a multicultural corporate executive woman and a certified high performance coach. As someone who has experienced both the benefits and challenges of multiple cultures, I believe that having a growth mindset is crucial for success. By viewing challenges and setbacks as opportunities for learning and development, I have been able to continually improve my skills and abilities, positioning myself for long-term success. This mindset has also helped me cultivate a sense of resilience and adaptability, which has been essential for navigating the changing landscape of the multiple industries I have and continue to work in.

Adopting the High Performance Habits has been essential for my success. By continuously seeking clarity, generating energy, increasing productivity, demonstrating courage, developing influence, and cultivating growth, I have been able to overcome the challenges I have faced and achieve my full potential. While the journey has not always been easy, I believe that by embracing these habits, I can continue to grow and thrive and you can too.

If this has been useful for you, I’d love you to share it with your friends or anyone else you think may find it useful.

Remember, you can unleash your unique version of success!

I have had (and still do have) so many people supporting me on my journey of self-development, I’d love to help you on yours.  Whenever you’re ready, here are a few ways I can support you:

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Take the High Performance Questionnaire – to understand if you’re ready to go to the next level and live a life full of engagement, joy and confidence…

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