Confidence is not a fixed personality trait.  It’s a muscle you build through exertion.

Want to know the exercises that will build that muscle in the workplace?  

Here are 10 Tips on How to Boost Your Confidence at Work:

#1: Hone your Knowledge

While most people think of confidence as a general belief in oneself, the kind of confidence that is most tied to performance improvement comes from belief in one’s abilities in a specific task. This means that the more knowledge, skill, ability — that is, competence—you have at a given task, the more likely you are to be confident and perform well.  

#2: Practice makes Progress

Repetition is how we learn.  And with practice, we have the opportunity to identify and learn from our mistakes.  This enables us to ask ourselves “How can I improve even more the next time?”

#3: Learn from your Success

We gain more confidence by ruminating on past successes and learning more from them than others do. High performers ponder the lessons from their wins. They give credit to themselves, and they allow those wins to integrate into their psyche and give them greater strength. It’s important that you begin a practice of reflecting on your progress and your new learning.

#4: I Am… 

There is power in what follows these two simple words of “I am….” that determines what kind of life you live.  Consider the principle that what follows the “I am…. ” will always come looking for you when you say “I am… “

For example, when you say, “I am so clumsy” then clumsiness comes looking for you.  When you say, “I am so old” then wrinkles come looking for you.  When you say, “I am so overweight” then calories come looking for you.  It’s just like you’re inviting whatever you follow the “I am… ” with into your life.  You’re giving it permission to be in your life.  But the good news is you get to choose what follows the “I am… “, you are in control of what you’re inviting into your life.  That’s why you have to be careful with what follows the “I am….”.

#5: Eliminate Negativity

One of the best things you can do for your future is to learn to be kind and positive toward yourself. Don’t limit your potential by dwelling on the negative. The better you feel about yourself, the further you’ll go in life.

#6: Focus out the Windscreen

When you’re driving, the majority of your attention is focused on what’s in front of you through the windscreen.  You only glance at your rearview mirror and side mirrors regularly enough to check for danger and/or blindspots but don’t focus on them.  It’s the same with your strengths and weaknesses, the majority of your attention is better focused on your strengths and how they can help you, with an awareness of your weaknesses only to ensure they don’t derail you.

#7: Add Value Outside Your Comfort Zone

Of course, it’s easy to contribute in areas we feel comfortable with.  But if we aren’t challenging ourselves to grow we stagnate.  In order to expand your comfort zone; challenge yourself to add value in areas outside your norm.

#8: Leverage others 

We need to take it up another notch and learn the tremendous value in relating with others. It is by connecting with others that we learn more about ourselves and the world. The more you work with people, the more you learn about yourself. And the more you work with others, the more you learn new ways of thinking, new skills, new ways of serving which of course increases our competence. Even if you don’t consider yourself a “people person.” 

#9: Be Curious 

It doesn’t matter whether you are natural with others. What matters is: “Do you want to learn from others? Will you take the time to do it? Will you genuinely try to engage someone and learn about how they think, what they need, what they stand for?”  If you can summon that curiosity and talk to enough people with that intention, you will gain confidence.  And the more connections we make, the more chance we have of building that supportive community that cheers us on and boosts our confidence.

#10: Be YOU

Confidence comes from acting congruently with how you think and feel.  Have fun, enjoy yourself and remember confidence comes from being truthful with yourself and others. 

Remember, you can unleash your unique version of success!

I have had (and still do have) so many people supporting me on my journey of self-development, I’d love to help you on yours.  Whenever you’re ready, here are a few ways I can support you:

Join our IYS Community – to connect with like-minded individuals focused on increasing their ENGAGEMENT, CONFIDENCE & JOY in work (and life)

Access your FREE Online Training – and learn how you can immediately hit higher levels of performance and potential in all you do!

Take the High Performance Questionnaire – to understand if you’re ready to go to the next level and live a life full of engagement, joy and confidence…

Book a Chat – so we can breakthrough what you’re currently challenged with and take the next action towards living the life of your dreams!