Your Intelligence Making Systems

Your Intelligence Making Systems

Hey, it’s Stephanie, focused on igniting your spark. I thought I would just go live here and let you know what I’ve been doing lately. I have been doing a new coaching certification just to augment my skills so that I can show up and be the best coach that...
Overcoming Fear of the Unknown

Overcoming Fear of the Unknown

Overcoming fear of the unknown is a challenging endeavour, but it can be done. As a family we recently dealt with this as our two youngest children took to the stage for the first time in their school musical.  The long lead up and continual practice did not stop both...
Dealing With The Critics In Your Life

Dealing With The Critics In Your Life

Whether you’re trying to save the world, lose weight, write a novel, or master a video game, there will usually be at least one person in your life that’s not so positive about it. If you consider that there’s no way to live a meaningful life without critics,...