Whether you’re trying to save the world, lose weight, write a novel, or master a video game, there will usually be at least one person in your life that’s not so positive about it.

If you consider that there’s no way to live a meaningful life without critics, naysayers, and haters since they’re part of the human experience, then really it’s your job to not allow them to stop you from living your life.

Here are several perspectives you can take to avoid allowing the critics in your life to influence you.

Find your purpose.

If you are doing something that is very important to you, you care far less about the criticisms of others. If others can easily throw you off your path, you may consider finding another path you’re more stuck on. Are you living your purpose? If not, let’s chat about how you can start to answer that question.

Understand why people are being unsupportive.

People that criticize are often just trying to avoid their own situation. They enjoy getting under your skin and being noticed. People can also be unsupportive when you start doing well as no one likes to be left behind or face the truth of their own lack of progress.

Focus on your mission.

Train yourself to be more focused and determined when criticism comes your way. This way, criticism becomes a motivator and the more you’ll accomplish. Most people are distracted by criticism. You can turn this around and not be like most people.

Notice that critics are a small part of the population.

Most high performers notice negative feedback more than we notice positive. This has been demonstrated in numerous studies. We think there are more people working against our efforts than there really are. The truth is most people are focused on their own journeys and are actually indifferent to you and your life.

Realize that you’re going to be criticized no matter what you do.

Whether you become a billionaire, movie star, teacher, doctor, or sit on the couch all day, there is someone that will tell you that you’re doing the wrong thing.  So since you’re going to hear negative comments no matter what you do, do what matters the most to you and do your best to ignore the naysayers.

Respond calmly.

Avoid giving your critics the pleasure of an emotional response. Respond with kindness, and you’ll often find they soften their criticism or apologize. If you ignore them, they will usually either become angry or bored.

Use your critics as motivation.

While some people are intimidated and deflated by the haters of the world, others are able to use the negative comments as a source of motivation. Use your critics’ words as fuel for your success.

Decide if they have something useful to say.

Some criticism may be helpful. If you receive specific criticism, consider if it might be true. Adapt your approach if necessary. If the criticism isn’t helpful, you can choose to let it go.

Take criticism as a compliment.

Most people will leave you alone if you’re struggling. You only become a significant target of negative comments if you’re doing well. If you’re taking a lot of heat, you must be doing something great!

Avoid allowing the critics in your life to derail your plans. Choose to live your life without the need for the approval of others.  If you’re spending your time on activities that truly matter to you, the criticism you receive will have far less impact on you. Just remember, you’re probably doing well if the critics are in your ear.

If this has been useful for you, I’d love you to share it with your friends or anyone else you think may find it useful.

Remember, you can unleash your unique version of success!

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