It’s easy to read a self-help book and get excited. In fact, I do it all the time!

However, it can be a lot more challenging to actually implement those ideas into your life. Where do you start? How do you make time to take action on what you learn?

It’s important to actually apply the information because unfortunately, nothing changes just because your knowledge changes. Your behaviour must change. Information that’s not acted upon is worthless.

Try these 8 tips for incorporating self-help strategies into your day:

1.Use the power of habits.

At the end of the day, as a high performance coach I know the ultimate key to changing your life for the better is to create a few great habits (like the high performance habits!)

For example, we all know how to lose weight, right?  But understanding isn’t that valuable. It’s using that information to change your dietary habits that really matters.

If you can take the knowledge you’ve accumulated and identify the most important habits you could create – building the right habits all but guarantees your success.

2. Have a plan for the day.

Without a plan, you’ll never accomplish as much as you could. Plan on how you’ll use at least one of the self-help strategies you’ve learned each day.

Think it through the evening before or decide first thing in the morning before you start your day.

3. Be mindful.

Self-awareness is absolutely critical in any improvement endeavour.

Be conscious and aware of your thoughts and actions. Take the role of the observer of your life and avoid operating on autopilot.

You can’t change what you don’t notice.

4. Look for the best opportunities to practice what you’ve learned.

Think about your life and when you can apply what you know.

For example, suppose you’re working on your small-talk skills. What are the most convenient times to work on those skills each day? Travelling to work? Lunchtime? Afternoon drinks?

Make a commitment beforehand about when/where you’re going to practice.

5. Choose a challenge and address it.

What is currently the most limiting aspect of your life? Is it your fitness? Finances? The lack of a social circle? Imagine enhancing that part of your life and notice how it feels.

Which area of your life, if improved, would have the biggest impact? That’s the aspect of your life you want to focus on.

6. Reward your efforts.

When you put in a good day, celebrate!

If you planned on speaking to three new people and you did, give yourself a reward. It might be drinking your favourite beverage while listening to your favourite song. Find a reward that you love and preferably won’t break the bank!

7. Shake things up.

You’ve undoubtedly heard the cliché, “Variety is the spice of life!”

Changing a part of your life can be easier if you get out of your routine. Change your wardrobe. Take a different route to work. Participate in some new activities. Make some new friends.

Give yourself a new perspective on life, and you might find that changing your focus area is less intimidating.

8. Evaluate your results and find ways to build on them.

It’s not enough to just make a few changes. To get the most from your efforts, it’s necessary to evaluate your results and fine-tune your approach until you’ve maximized your results.

Notice what’s working and what isn’t.

You might take a step that doesn’t move you in the direction you were intending. That’s okay. In order to get to the moon, the astronauts were continually course correcting and you can too.  What can cause you to fall off course is failing to notice what’s not helping and continuing to do it.

In today’s online world gathering information has become easy. There is good information available everywhere, and much of it is free.

The real challenge is effectively using that information to change your behaviour and your life.

Look for opportunities to use what you’ve learned. Have a plan for each day and follow your plan.

Identify the part of your life that can use the most work and experiment. Reward your efforts. Review your results. Apply what you know, and your life will definitely change for the better!

I know because I’ve done it and so have my clients.

If this has been useful for you, I’d love for you to share it with your friends or anyone else you think may find it useful.

Remember, you can unleash your unique version of success!

I have had (and still do have) so many people supporting me on my journey of self-development, I’d love to help you on yours.  Whenever you’re ready, here are a few ways I can support you:

Join our IYS Community – to connect with like-minded individuals focused on increasing their ENGAGEMENT, CONFIDENCE & JOY in work (and life)

Access your FREE Online Training – and learn how you can immediately hit higher levels of performance and potential in all you do!

Take the High Performance Questionnaire – to understand if you’re ready to go to the next level and live a life full of engagement, joy and confidence…

Book a Chat – so we can breakthrough what you’re currently challenged with and take the next action towards living the life of your dreams!