How do you get over hump day? 

First of all, I should probably explain the phrase ‘hump day’.

Colloquially, hump day refers to Wednesday or the middle of your workweek when you’re trying to get the motivation to get through the week to the weekend – so hump day cause you’ve got to get over the hump!

So when the middle of the week feels like a hurdle, it’s probably motivation that’s lacking.

There are two types of motivation: intrinsic and extrinsic, which is just a fancy way of saying internal and external.

External motivation is the one most of us are familiar with – it’s the external deadlines, pressure, expectations that come from outside of us.

Internal motivation is what no one else sees or knows about.

Maybe you are motivated to get things done because you’re worried about what others will think if you don’t.

Maybe you are motivated by the thought of competing with others who you perceive are getting ahead of you.

Maybe your internal motivation comes from the sheer determination not to fail because there’s no way you want to feel like a failure.

Now nothing is wrong with any of those forms of motivation – in fact, I like to say to my clients nothing they think or do is wrong; it’s just a matter of perspective.

But what do all these internal motivations have in common?  They all feel a little negative and exhausting, right?

So, what if in addition to those external motivators, you could internally motivate yourself a little more positively? 

You’d probably have more energy, right?

Try this, ask yourself, “Who needs me on my A-game?”

Who needs you to really get over, go through and smash that hump?

After my son was born (quite a few years ago now), he developed a severe case of eczema.  I remember going in to him one morning and seeing him covered with blood (yes, I freaked!) cause he had scratched himself bloody in the night.

Cutting a long story short, after various tests, it was determined he had severe food allergies.  However, at that stage, given his age, no test could determine exactly what foods he was allergic to.  So, the only way to work it out was for me to go on an elimination diet since I was breastfeeding him.

Now I don’t know about you, but I’ve tried dieting before and never been really good at it!?!

BUT, this time it was for my son. He needed me on my A-game, so the internal motivation for me was HUGE.

I started the elimination diet immediately, and over five months, we determined his allergies (and I’ve never dropped so much weight so quickly in my life!)

All because he needed me on my A-game!

So when you feel the motivation waning, when it feels like it’s challenging to get through the week – ask yourself, “Who needs me on my A-game?”

Maybe it’s your family, or it’s your team, or it’s your clients, your community – who is it that needs you to be motivated to do your very best?

Want more tips on how to stay motivated? Comment tips below!

And remember, you can unleash your unique version of success!

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