Do you sometimes feel like you’re just going through the motions? You get up, go to work, come home, have dinner, watch television, and go to bed. The next day, the routine starts all over again.

But what if you could become more connected to your own experiences? You’d enjoy life more, feel happier and more content, and have more control over your life. By living consciously, you build the first practice on which healthy self-esteem depends and you get back your life!

Make a decision now to live more consciously.

What Does it Mean to Live Consciously?

Living consciously involves regaining control over your life. Rather than doing something automatically and with no real thought, you actively consider what you want to do and how you want to go about it.

Living consciously means you get to see the people you wish to see and take part in the activities you prefer. When you live consciously, you consider what you want to eat and how you want to spend your free time. You discover true freedom of choice.

Living Consciously in Everyday Life

You can see how living consciously ensures you’ll have a more fulfilling life. When you check back into your own psyche, you’re in the driver’s seat of your life (not in the passenger seat on autopilot)! Sure, you still get up in the morning, go to work, return home, and have dinner, but you give yourself more options to choose from in how you go about it. 

When you live consciously, you can vary your daily routines or put in something that makes them a little more interesting and enjoyable, for example:

Maybe you can get up 15 minutes earlier a few times a week to do that exercise you’ve been wanting to get to.

Maybe you mix up your routine by having a piece of fresh fruit and something hot or something else you’d like for breakfast.

Or possibly change up your evenings by taking a walk after dinner, having a light hearted conversation with your partner about something funny from the day, or playing with your kids or pets.

When you get to work, talk to the boss about that project you’ve really wanted to do. Re-kindle your interests and experience the satisfaction that comes with consciously working on projects you want to do.

As you do your routine tasks, concentrate on what you’re doing. Are you doing your best? Have you considered more effective, efficient methods for the tasks or projects at your job? The more you notice what you’re doing, the more you can strive to excel at the work.  Living consciously at work can lead to rewards.

In the evening at home, consider what you truly want to do. Maybe you want to hang out with the guys in your neighbour’s garage for an hour. Or you really want to take up beading jewellery again.

Thinking consciously enables you to discover that you have the control in your life to do whatever it is that brings you joy, pleasure, and contentment.

To live consciously is to stop wasting time doing activities you’re not really interested in. Or making the choice to include an aspect of joy in the things you do have to do.  When you make a personal vow to live consciously, you’re opening the door to a new, more joyous existence.

Ask yourself,

What do you really want?

Who do you choose to spend time with?

How can you spend your free time in ways that re-charge you and bring special joy?

How can you become more psychologically engaged in your work to increase your performance?

Are you taking care of your physical self the way you want and obtaining the results you desire?

Your answers to these questions will lead you down the path of conscious living.

Go ahead and take the first step in your journey toward reclaiming your life today. Say to yourself, “I will live consciously every moment of this day.” Repeat it tomorrow and the day after and embrace the joys of creating the life you desire.

If this has been useful for you, I’d love for you to share it with your friends or anyone else you think may find it useful.

Remember, you can unleash your unique version of success!

I have had (and still do have) so many people supporting me on my journey of self-development, I’d love to help you on yours.  Whenever you’re ready, here are a few ways I can support you:

Join our IYS Community – to connect with like-minded individuals focused on increasing their ENGAGEMENT, CONFIDENCE & JOY in work (and life)

Access your FREE Online Training – and learn how you can immediately hit higher levels of performance and potential in all you do!

Take the High Performance Questionnaire – to understand if you’re ready to go to the next level and live a life full of engagement, joy and confidence…

Book a Chat – so we can breakthrough what you’re currently challenged with and take the next action towards living the life of your dreams!