Athletes have coaches. Many entrepreneurs and professionals have mentors. Both these roles perform the same function, they help an individual excel in that particular area of life. A high performance coach is a coach for your life. 

Most of us weren’t formally taught how to live successfully. A high performance coach can help you to figure out what you want to do with your life, set goals, and achieve them. We have experience in helping others to live a high performance life of ongoing full engagement, confidence and joy, that comes from consistently living from your best self.

A high performance coach wears many hats:

  1. A high performance coach is a cheerleader. Life is easier when someone is in your corner. When you know you have support, it’s easier to take risks and chase after big goals. You always have someone on your side when you have a high performance coach.

And your high performance coach will also push you. I’ve seen plenty of clients attempt to avoid hard work and stressful situations. A high performance coach knows when you’re playing games and challenges you to succeed.

  1. A high performance coach provides guidance. It’s not always easy to make good decisions, especially when you’re stressed or fearful. And let’s face it, some of us just don’t make good decisions, period. A high performance coach is that objective sounding board that can help you to make wise decisions for you.

A friend can’t always be objective or completely honest, but your high performance coach can. You’ll hear what you need to hear from your high performance coach.

  1. A high performance coach helps you to determine who you want to be (when you grow up). It doesn’t matter if you’re 18 or 68. A mentor can help you to determine what the next step of your life should be. But if you’re feeling lost, a high performance coach might be the answer.
  1. A high performance coach will help you to find balance. High Performance coaches are aware that there’s more to life than just money or a perfect body. We emphasize keeping all parts of a person’s life in balance. Health, professional success, relationships, finances, spirituality and hobbies are all part of a well-balanced life.
  1. A high performance coach can help with many facets of life. A few of these include:

* Career

* Relationships

* Finding your life’s purpose

* Achieving challenging goals

* Making more money

* Creating more free time

* Getting your health on track

* Starting a business

  1. A high performance coach is not a therapist. Therapists deal with past issues and traumas. High Performance coaches work from the present moment and into the future. A high performance coach won’t help you get over a past loss or deal with the fact that you were bullied in high school. A high performance coach guides you toward building a more desirable future.
  1. A high performance coach is certified by the High Performance Institute. High performance coaching is based on a science backed curriculum with clear outcomes. Be sure to vet anyone you’re considering hiring as a coach. Just like in any profession there are plenty of coaches that aren’t good at what they do. 

Pay attention to reviews and schedule an introductory session to see if a particular high performance coach is a good fit.

Do you need a high performance coach?

A high performance coach won’t solve your challenges, but we can help you to help yourself.

If you need a steady hand to guide you and a cheerleader to support you, a high performance coach can make a big difference. And I’d love to help you with that!

If this has been useful for you, I’d love for you to share it with your friends or anyone else you think may find it useful.

Remember, you can unleash your unique version of success!

I have had (and still do have) so many people supporting me on my journey of self-development, I’d love to help you on yours.  Whenever you’re ready, here are a few ways I can support you:


Join our IYS Community – to connect with like-minded individuals focused on increasing their ENGAGEMENT, CONFIDENCE & JOY in work (and life)

Access your FREE Online Training – and learn how you can immediately hit higher levels of performance and potential in all you do!

Take the High Performance Questionnaire – to understand if you’re ready to go to the next level and live a life full of engagement, joy and confidence…

Book a Chat – so we can breakthrough what you’re currently challenged with and take the next action towards living the life of your dreams!